Steve Cooper
Instructor Certifications
- SC Concealable Weapon Permit (SLED)
- Law Enforcement Handgun, Shotgun & Patrol Rifle (NRA-LEAD)
- Defensive Handgun (John Farnam, (Defense Training International / DTI)
- Pistol (NRA)
- Tactical Rifle (Paul Howe, Combat Shooting & Tactics / CSAT)
Past Assignments as a Firearm & Tactics Trainer
- Unit Marksmanship Coordinator, 133d MP Co., SC Army National Guard (SCARNG)
- State Marksmanship Training Unit, SCARNG
- Basic Scout / Sniper, 4 / 118 Infantry Bn (Mech), SCARNG
- Security Training Lieutenant, H.B. Robinson nuclear power plant
- Currently, Executive Director and Lead Trainer, Paladin Training, Inc. (2000 to present)
Firearm & Tactical Training
- 1983 Basic Military Police Officer (40 hrs) (Ft Meade, MD)
- 1987 Battle Skills (40 hrs) (Cp Robinson, AR)
- 1992 Basic Law Enforcement Sniper (AC Webster & Carlos Hathcock, Sniping Technology, Inc.,)
- 1994 Military Police Field Tactical Operations (US Army MP Corps, Ft McClellan, AL)
- 1994 Judicious Use of Lethal Force (LFI-1) (Massad Ayoob, Lethal Force Institute)
- 1995 Special Reconnaissance Operations (20th Special Forces Grp, Cp Blanding, FL)
- 1995 Basic Infantry (11B) (Cp Robinson, AR)
- 1996 Mechanized Infantry, (Cp Shelby, MS)
- 1998 Security Officer Instructor Certification, SLED Levels 1, 2 & 3 (Tri-County Technical College, Anderson, SC)
- 1998 Basic Defensive Handgun (30 hrs (John Holschen, Insights Training)
- 1998 Defensive Handgun & Urban Rifle (20 hrs) (John Farnam, DTI)
- 1999 Intermediate Handgun (30 hrs) (John Holschen, Insights Training)
- 1999 Defensive Urban Rifle and Shotgun (John Farnam, DTI)
- 1999 Advanced Defensive Handgun (John Farnam, DTI)
- 2000 Advanced Combatives (40 hrs) (Tom Givens & Jim Higginbotham, Rangemaster)
- 2000 Intermediate Tactical Pistol (40 hrs) (Ed Stock, Gunsite Academy)
- 2000 Advanced Tactical Pistol (Expert) (40 hrs) (Ed Head, Gunsite Academy)
- 2002 Combative Pistol (18 hrs) (Jeff Gonzalez, Trident Concepts Research Group)
- 2002 Tactical Pistol 1 (40 hrs) (Jason Moogy, Blackwater Training Center)
- 2004 Tactical Treatment of Gunshot Wounds (10 hrs) (Tony Barrera, MD, DTI)
- 2004 Range Safety Officer (NRA)
- 2004 Counter-Drug Special Response Team 1 (SRT1) (40 hrs) (MANTA-96)
- 2004 Counter-Drug SRT II (40 hrs) (MANTA-96)
- 2005 Pistol Instructor (NRA)
- 2005 LE Handgun, Shotgun Instructor (40 hrs) (NRA LEAD)
- 2005 LE Patrol Rifle Instructor (40 hrs) (NRA LEAD)
- 2005 Defensive Handgun Instructor (24 hrs) (John Farnam, DTI)
- 2006 One Handed Shooting (24 hrs) (John Farnam, DTI)
- 2007 Carbine Operator (16 hrs) (Pat Rogers, EAG Tactical)
- 2008 Advanced Defensive Pistol (24 hrs) (Bill Jeans, Morrigan Consulting)
- 2012 Tac Rifle Instructor (48 hrs) (Paul Howe, Combat Shooting & Tactics / CSAT)
- 2014 Basic Handgun & Carbine (16 hrs) (Larry Vickers, Vickers Tactical)
- 2016 Basic Handgun refresher (8 hrs) (Larry Vickers, Vickers Tactical)
- 2019 Beyond the Basics, Handgun (8 hrs) (Larry Vickers, Vickers Tactical)
- BBA, Francis Marion University, 1989
Recommended Sources
- CSAT / Paul Howe (Check out his monthly newsletter)
- DTI / John Farnam (Sign up for periodic email updates)
- Vickers Tactical / Larry Vickers (Drills)
- TMACS / Pat McNamara
Recommended Reading
- Principles of Personal Defense, Jeff Cooper (Should be required reading every year for all family members)
- Fighting Smarter, Tom Givens (If you read only one book on this list, it should be this one.)
- The CSAT Way, Paul Howe
- Sentinel, Pat McNamara
- The Modern Technique of the Pistol, Greg Morrison
- In Defense of Self and Others, Urey Patrick and John Hall
- The Law of Self Defense (General), Andrew Branca
- South Carolina Gun Law (State specific), Shaw, Kelley and Moore
- Living the Martial Way, Forrest Morgan
- Ideals of the Samurai, Wilson (translator)
- Hagakure, The Book of the Samurai, Yamamoto Tsunetomo