27 AUG 2018

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Back to work!

Looks like we might survive the summer after all.  Being (probably overly) optimistic about that, here’s the schedule for the remainder of 2018:

Defensive Carbine 2 (DC2)  8 & 9 SEP  (We still have openings!)

The September CWP class is full.

Ladies AR15 (LAR)  6 OCT

SC CWP  11 & 13 OCT  Details at https://paladintraining.com/courses/concealable-weapon-permit-cwp/

Defensive Handgun 1 (DH1)  10 & 11 NOV

SC CWP 15 & 17 NOV

Urban Break Contact (UBC)  7 – 9 DEC

SC CWP  13 & 15 DEC

For full details on each class, see the course descriptions on the website or follow the links below.

Defensive Carbine 2

DC2 is our introductory two-person team class.  It builds on the foundation laid in DC1 and adds use of cover, individual movement techniques, team communication and fire and maneuver.  Having a team-mate can help or hinder.  We cover both.

Details at https://paladintraining.com/courses/defensive-carbine-2-dc2/

Covering your partner!


Ladies AR15

This is a beginner’s class, but even long time AR owners will benefit from the focus on the basics.  Wherever you fit, you’ll learn a lot and have a lot of fun doing it.

Details at:  https://paladintraining.com/courses/ladies-ar-15/


Defensive Handgun 1

DH1 has gone thru a major revision and contains elements previously introduced in DH2.  We’ll work on one handed shooting and manipulation (both strong and support hand only), unconventional positions, and fighting from and around a car.

Details at https://paladintraining.com/courses/defensive-handgun-1/

Urban Break Contact

We’ll be posting the details on UBC in a separate newsletter.

What’s New?

After almost two decades of carrying the same 1911 style pistol in .45 ACP, I’ve decided to try something a little slimmer and lighter:  A Kahr ST9 in 9mm.  I’ve owned and shot Kahrs for a long time, love the double action trigger, and shoot them pretty well.  I put not quite 300 rounds of 124 grain and 147 grain ammo thru this gun with zero issues before having Todd Smallwood (843-337-7810) make me an AIWB holster and mag carrier for my EDC rig (below).

The twist is that I wanted to be able to carry AIWB with the new compact Streamlight TLR-8 light / laser combo attached.  If you’ve taken a defensive firearm class with us, you know we put a lot of emphasis on night fighting.  Having the light already on the gun is an advantage.  That doesn’t mean you needn’t also carry a handheld light, but once good hits become the solution to your problem, it sure is nice to have both hands on the gun.

I’m very satisfied with the results and have been wearing this rig all day for several weeks now w/o issue.

I’m also very satisfied with the TLR-8.  The little thing puts out 500 lumens of light and, while I haven’t torture tested it or anything, the laser seems to be keeping its zero well enough.  There has been a little shift, not enough to affect outcomes I don’t believe, but that might just be the mechanism settling in.  Whatever, the main thing I wanted was a good light, and I got that.  The laser is a ‘nice to have maybe’ feature in my consideration and adds no appreciable weight, bulk or complications.

A note on ammunition:  I just shot the last of 3000 rds of Georgia Arms 9mm 124 grain TMJ ammunition.  This was the worst ammunition I’ve ever shot.  A group would be forming, everything looking good and then there would be an uncalled flyer 5 or 6 inches out of the group (at only 10 yards!).  It took me awhile to figure out that the problem wasn’t me.  Only after getting a friend who is an excellent shot fire a quantity of it with the same results did I finally conclude the ammunition was just inconsistent.  I finished the break-in & accuracy testing of the ST9 with Speer 147 grain TMJ which has performed just fine.


MTM Case-Gard

…has made a neat thing that has greatly simplified my life:

It’s nice to have the four calibers I work with the most in one place in the back of the Sub or War Wagon.  The only downside, if it is one, is that standard military .30 caliber cans will not fit in the organizer.

Details at http://www.mtmcase-gard.com/products/shooting/4-can-ammo-crate.php

I found mine on Amazon, of course.  Less than $25, if I remember correctly.  Please consider using Smile.Amazon and select Paladin Training as your charity of choice!

Last item

Because Paladin was donating a two day class and 500 rounds of ammunition to the Fraternal Order of Police, I attended the meeting of the Pee Dee chapter of the FOP last week.  J R Joyner of Joyner Law Firm in Cheraw was the guest speaker, which was a treat.  I’ve known J R and his dad, Frankie, for a long time and count both as friends.  Professionally, J R has three attributes that, in my opinion, make him an excellent choice for my attorney if I’m involved in a shooting:  He’s a student of the gun, he’s a graduate of The Force Science Institute, and he’s a proponent of the 2A.  Each of those attributes could be a tremendous advantage for me as a client and none of them are, in my experience, typically found in an attorney.  It could be a huge mistake to assume someone knows about self-defense law just because they’re an attorney.  Andrew Branca (www.lawofselfdefense.com) often points out that his education as a lawyer included about 30 minutes on self-defense.

In addition to talking about the potential cost in dollars for a criminal defense, J R spoke a little about the subject of being ‘fit to fight’, ‘fitness’ in this case being ‘the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task’.  The four factors J R includes are:

(1) Having suitable fighting SKILLS

(2) Being able to meet the PHYSICAL needs of a fight

(3) MENTAL, or being able to make decisions under stress

(4) Having a firm SPIRITUAL foundation

That’s the greatly abbreviated version of his presentation.  As the old Samurai would say, ‘think on these things’.

If you don’t yet have an attorney on speed dial, give J R a call at 843-253-5316 and you guys get to know each other.


That’s all for now.  Hope to see you in a class soon.

Stay sharp!


Utrinque Paratus

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