Securing Houses of Worship (SHW)

“I can respect an honest pacifist, though I think he is entirely mistaken. What I cannot understand is this sort of semi-pacifism you get nowadays, which gives people the idea that, though you have to fight, you ought to do it with a long face and as if you were ashamed of it.”
C.S. Lewis (1898 – 1963) Mere Christianity

Paladin has been offering church safety training since its inception in 2000, long before there was widespread acceptance of the need for it.  We offer a mature, well thought out program developed and refined, not in reaction to current events, but in anticipation of them.

We offer three stand alone training events.  They can be tailored to your church’s particular needs.

1. Situational Awareness Training (SAT) classroom, 4 hours

Situational awareness is your first and most important survival tool.  Church attacks are often carried out only after the property has been scouted.  Counter-surveillance may be critical to deterring or defeating an attack on your church.

SAT is conducted in a classroom and designed for staff, armed & unarmed Safety Team members and ushers / greeters.  Most churches open the lecture to all interested parties and we encourage this.

Subjects include scriptural justification for the use of force in self-defense. This is extremely important because there are many misconceptions among Believers about using force, especially deadly force, in a New Testament context.  Also covered are the fundamentals of situational awareness, recognizing behavioral anomalies and spotting armed people.

Cost: $250


2. Scenario Based Training (SBT) classroom and premises, 8 hours

Safety Team members are presented with a mix of typical scenarios, some requiring a violent response and some not.  Responses are then critiqued, failure points addressed and team members given the opportunity to succeed in follow-up scenarios.

SBT is extremely beneficial both for testing your church’s critical response plan and also for team stress inoculation.  Role players and armed Safety Team members are equipped with AirSoft™ handguns and appropriate safety gear.

Scenarios include greeting an unknown person, individual and team movement to an Active Killer, etc.  Classroom subjects include cover v. concealment, stopping mechanisms, tactical gunshot wound treatment and movement to contact.

Cost: $100 per student (minimum four students) and a cap of $1000 if more than 10 students.  The charge will be prorated to account for those attending a partial session.


3. Armed Safety Team (AST) range, 8 hours

AST is Paladin’s Handgun Concepts 1.  It is designed for Armed Safety Team members and prospects.  Each student must have a valid SC CWP.

Subjects / drills include concealed presentation, reloads, clearing malfunctions, consolidation, and merging with responding LEO’s.

Equipment list and round count provided on request.

Cost: $125 per student, minimum of 6 students (plus travel, lodging and range fees, where applicable)

Call Steve @ 843-618-1381 or email to set up a meeting to discuss your church safety needs and how we can help you meet them.