Edition 22

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A couple of items in the news prompt this short newsletter.  The first deals with Fourth Amendment issues.  I hope you’ll appreciate the seriousness of the situation outlined in the commentary by Judge Napolitano I’ve linked below.

The second deals with crime prevention.  I’ll follow up on this one in the next newsletter.
We still have space available in the Basic Defensive Carbine class being conducted this weekend.
Times, location and equipment requirements for the BDC are covered to the left.


The CWP class on 3 – 4 JUN is almost full.  If you intend to take a CWP class with us before the summer heat, contact me ASAP to reserve a slot.

Hope you enjoy the newsletter.

As always, comments, etc. are welcome.

Headline:  Hell Freezes Over

Steve finds himself in agreement with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

Have you heard that the Indiana Supreme Court recently ruled that Indianans don’t have the right to resist an unlawful government entry into their home?

Or, that the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) recently ruled 8 to 1 (Ginsberg dissenting) that police my break into and enter a private residence if they detect the odor of marijuana coming from it?

For a much needed history and civics reminder, check out Judge Andrew Napolitano’s commentary here: http://tinyurl.com/4xvspth

What’s this got to do with defensive firearm training?  In my opinion, everything.  For good or bad, change is coming.  Get ready for it.

‘Bump and rob’

Not a new tactic at all, but in the news recently, criminals will sometimes initiate a carjacking or robbery, or worse, by bumping into a car as if by accident.  You know the drill – somebody bumps into you, you pull over, get out of your car to check the damage and exchange insurance information and / or call the police if necessary.

What if the bump wasn’t an accident?  What if it was just a ruse to get you out of your car? Check out the story here: www.tinyurl.com/bumpnrob

The link is to a news site and I don’t know how long it will remain valid.  If it’s gone before you have a chance to check it, google “Drivers in West Palm shot in bump and rob attacks”.

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