Edition 28

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BIG news!  Last week we learned that two years of hard work (primarily on the part of my wife, Libby) had finally paid off:  We received word from the IRS that Paladin’s application for tax exempt status had been granted.


Paladin Training is now a tax exempt public charity under IRS code 501(c)(3).


Now we can effectively solicit grant and donor funding in order to facilitate our mission of providing free or low cost training to smaller, primarily rural, law enforce-ment agencies in South Carolina.


I’ll keep you posted.


And, to that group that has been in prayer over the application, a sincere thank you from the board and from me.





CWP class this Saturday and Sunday

We have room in the Concealable Weapon Permit class being conducted this weekend.
Note that this class does NOT follow our normal Friday evening / Saturday format.  This class will run from 9am to 5pm Saturday at the Marriott Residence Inn in Florence and from 2pm to 6pm Sunday at Lake Darpo, Society Hill, SC.


Weather forecast for Sunday: Partly cloudy and 67F.


We’ll return to the Friday / Saturday format for the 2 – 3 DEC class.

Big Shipment of Steel Targets In

Last week we took delivery of 9 static rifle-rated steel targets that are going to make a huge difference in the quality and pace of all our upper level defensive firearm classes.


The targets are made by Salute Products out of Oregon.


Eight of the targets are ’10-8/EAG’ static plates and one is Salute’s ‘Spartan’.  The Spartan has three windows for precision shots.
You can check them out here:  SALUTE

Urban Break-Contact, Carbine class update

Interest in the 3 Day UBC has been so high we’ve decided to schedule another for 13 – 15 JAN 2012.
Also, we’ve had three students request to transfer their deposits to the JAN class which means we now have three openings in the NOV class.  If you want to attend the 18 – 20 NOV class, contact me ASAP.
Reminder:  Successful completion of our BDC or equivalent is a pre-requisite to attend UBC.

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