New class: Legals / Legal updates
In our regular two-day weekend CWP class, we conduct roughly four hours of teaching on the lawful use of deadly force from 6 pm to 10 pm Friday evening. We usually have space in the classroom for ten to twelve people beyond the 14 that are attending the CWP class.
While there is presently no legal requirement in SC that a CWP holder ever attend a legal update or refresher training, there have been significant changes to the law regarding carry and use of force since SC became a ‘shall issue’ state in 1996. For instance, there are un-doubtedly SC CWP holders who have never heard of the Protection of Persons and Property Act and its effect on the duty to retreat when in public.
We’ve decided to open up any extra available seatingduring (not in) one of our two-day CWP classes for those who wish to get brought up to date or refreshed on the law.
Here are the options:
1. If you attended any one of our CWP or defensive firearm classes in the past, you may attend at no cost. This includes the handout.
2. If you attended someone else’s CWP, the fee is $50 which includes the handout.
3. If you have absolutely no intention of ever obtaining a CWP but can see yourself using deadly force to defend your life, or that of another, should it ever be necessary, then please consider attending one of these sessions. This legal stuff is critical. Some common misconceptions about the lawful use of deadly force can lead you to act prematurely or excessively and end up with you going to jail. Others can cause you to hesitate and result in you being harmed or worse. Your fee is $50 which includes the handout. Should you then decide to attend one of our CWP classes within the next twelve months, we’ll apply the $50 to your CWP tuition.
4. If you’re scheduled for a later CWP class with us but can attend an earlier Friday evening legal session, we’ll be glad to include you. Your cost will be any balance owed us for your CWP class.
All of the above options are on a space-available basis. Be sure to contact me before showing up so I can be sure we have room for you.