Edition 66
Comments: None
I hope you and your team are well and continuing to prepare.
November is a busy month for us. Please check out the training calendar and class descriptions / justifications below. Don’t forget that a class makes a great Christmas gift.
Raffle 2015-2 is still ongoing. The winner gets a seat in any two day defensive carbine class plus up to 500 rounds of ammunition to use in the class. Calibers are restricted to either 5.56 or 7.62 x 39. The winning ticket can be worth almost $500.
Tickets cost $20 and no more than 50 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held when the 50th ticket is sold.
Remember that Paladin Training, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit under IRS Section 501(c)(3). All gifts are tax deductible.
Administrative note to class organizers: If you’re the organizer for a private class, don’t count on your people actually showing up for the class UNLESS YOU HAVE THEIR MONEY. Yeah, I know it’s your family and they wouldn’t do you that way. Listen, if Billy Graham and the Pope said they were coming to a class, I wouldn’t believe either one of them until I had their money in my hands. And that’s my advice to you.
Please continue to train and get ready; physically, mentally and spiritually!
Intro to Defensive Handguns Tonight
One of the greatest benefits of the class is realized when you go to buy your first defensive handgun: You’ll start out much higher on the learning curve than the average first-time buyer who is dependent on either gunshop personnel or friends to steer him in the right direction.
What we usually find: You DO have the strength to rack the slide; you’re just not using your strength efficiently… which is the PC way of saying, ‘You’re doing it wrong’. I can’t count the number of people that found they COULD rack the slide on a semi-auto once they were taught the correct way to do it.
Since there’s no live ammunition present during the hands on portion, this is a safe, stress-free way to learn how to handle and operate handguns.
Cost is $50. If you take this class, I’ll take $25 off your SC CWP class tuition.
Contact me to let me know you’re coming or if you need more information.
Important Notice: SC CWP
We have two SC CWP classes remaining in 2015: 6 & 7 NOVEMBER (this weekend) and 11 & 12 DECEMBER. We have room in both.
If you want to train for your SC CWP with us, don’t put it off.
Defensive Carbine 2 – 14 & 15 NOV
Basic Carbine Operator
Like all our defensive firearm classes, low light training will be conducted to end Day 1.
DC2 is a hard prerequisite for the UBC in December.
- Cost: $300 ($250 for Paladin alum / $150 for full-time LEO / $0 for active duty military and SCARNG)
- Prerequisites: DC1 or outside equivalent
- Location: Lake Darpo, Society Hill, SC
Emergency Preparedness III
Low Light Handgun
I don’t know anywhere else you can get a dedicated low-light defensive handgun class, even though the odds are that you’re more likely to need a handgun at night, or someplace it’s dark, than in broad daylight where 99.9% of all training takes place.
Paladin has been conducting low light training in every defensive firearm class since our beginning in 2000. We’ve learned a lot in that time. Seriously consider this class. Where else can you go to learn and practice low light techniques live fire?
A huge thank you to the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office for allowing us to push the training envelope.
- Cost: $200 ($175 for Paladin alum / $100 for full time LEO / $0 for active duty military and SCARNG)
- Prerequisite: Defensive Handgun 1 or outside equivalent
- Location: Lake Darpo, Society Hill, SC
Logo Caps Available
We’ve got another shipment of Port Authority ball caps in. Choices are:
- OD w/ full color logo
- Khaki w/ full color logo
- OD with black logo
Price Increase in Effect 3rd QTR 2015
- Intro to Defensive Handguns (IDH) – $50 (no change)
- Utah CWP – $75 / $50 (no change)
- SC CWP – $80 (no change)
Defensive Handgun 1 (DH1) $300 / $250
Defensive Handgun 2 (DH2) $300 / $250
Low Light Handgun (LLH) $200 / $175
Defensive Shotgun 1 (DS1) $300 / $250
Basic Carbine Operator (BCO) $250 / $175
Defensive Carbine 1 (DC1) $300 / $250
Defensive Carbine 2 (DC2) $300 / $250
Urban Break Contact (UBC) $600 / $500
Full time LEO will still receive a 50% discount on defensive firearm classes.
Active duty military (including SCARNG / SCANG) will continue to get a 100% discount on all defensive firearm classes.