Training Calendar: 2018.0 again

  Comments: 5

Here’s the 2018 training calendar as of 11 JAN:

SC CWP  $100

Format:  Thursday, 6 pm to 10 pm @ Residence Inn, 2660 Hospitality Blvd, Florence and Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm @ Lake Darpo, Society Hill, SC

18 & 20 JAN

15 & 17 FEB

15 & 17 MAR

12 & 14 APR

17 & 19 MAY

14 & 16 JUN

No CWP classes in JUL or AUG

13 & 15 SEP

11 & 13 OCT

15 & 17 NOV

13 & 15 DEC


24 & 25 MAR @ Lake Darpo, Society Hill, SC


23 & 24 JUN @ Lake Darpo


JUL (Dates and location TBA)


8 & 9 SEP @ Lake Darpo


NOV (Date and location TBA)


7 – 9 DEC @ Lake Darpo

Contact us if:

  1. your church is considering forming a safety team, or has one that would benefit from training;
  2. you would like to host a group class;
  3. you would like a private class (weekdays are an option).

*UBC has prerequisites.  Contact us for details.

Hope to see you in a class soon!





  Comments: 5

  1. Good afternoon,
    I am interested in attending your Defensive Carbine 1(dc1) class, and was wondering if there are any prerequisites. If not, I would like to reserve a spot.
    Thanks, G.M. Johannsen

  2. I am interested in one of your CWP Saturday classes in Society Hill. How far in advance do I need to let you know if I can attend. I have another friend that may be interested also.
    Tell me more about hosting a group class.

    • Vickie, I like to know by two weeks out so I can give everyone plenty of notice if the class isn’t going to meet, etc. The regular fee is $100, but if you bring a friend, I’ll train the two of you for $150. Sometimes classes fill up quickly, and we do have a hard cut off point, so it’s best to send in a deposit ASAP if you a slot in a particular class. In order to host a private class, you need to provide a place to shoot and guarantee 6 students. The host gets $10 off per student, so your class would cost at the most $40. Free if 10 students came, etc. What is your e-mail address so I can send you a document w/ more details on the CWP class in FEB?

  3. Hi Steve. Sue and I took your course back in 2011. I have just joined our church safety team and would like a refresher on CWP requirements and protocols. Sue let her permit expire and needs to requalify. We would like to attend your CWP classes May 17 & 19. Please advise if that class is open and if so, what we need to do to register Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    David Neal.

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