Terry Gainey
Instructor Certifications
- South Carolina Concealable Weapon Permit (SLED)
- Revolver (SCCJA)
- Auto-Pistol (SCCJA)
- Shotgun (SCCJA)
- Firearms Training Systems (F.A.T.S.) (SCCJA & Midlands Technical College)
- Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT Management Systems)
- Spontaneous Knife Defense (PPCT Management Systems)
- OCAT (Pepper Sprays) (SCCJA)
- Defensive Tactics (SCCJA)
Specialized Training
- Weapons of Mass Destruction & Anti-Terrorism Awareness (Texas A&M)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction (First Responder, Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Advanced Operations (Auburn University)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Advanced Operations (Center for Domestic Preparedness, Anniston, AL)
- SRT Level I (Mid Atlantic Narcotics Training Academy, (Ft. Fisher, North Carolina)
- SRT Level II (Mid Atlantic Narcotics Training Academy, Ft. Fisher, North Carolina)
- SWAT Sniper (Chandler-Reifinger Sniper School, Jacksonville, NC)
- Tactical Response to Active Shooters (James Murray, Esquire, Pensacola FL)
- Ballistic Shield (Southeastern SWAT Training & Competition)
- Street Survival (Caliber Press)
- Glock Pistol Armorer (Glock, Smyrna, Georgia)
Investigative Certifications
- White Collar Crimes (FBI)
- Financial Crimes (FBI)
- Asset Forfeiture and Seizure (FBI)
- Criminal Investigations (SCCJA)
- Drug Enforcement (DEA & SLED)
- At-Scene Accident (SCCJA)
- Crime Scene (SCCJA)
- Venerable Adult Abuse (SCCJA)
- Narcotics Investigations (SCCJA & Florence – Darlington Technical College)
- Advanced Domestic Violence (Duluth Model) (Minneapolis, MN)