4 Qtr 2022 Class Schedule

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Been a long time since you’ve heard from me.  No excuse.  I apologize and will do better in the future.

I sincerely hope you’re doing all you can to improve your skills and develop a team.  If you need medical or dental work, get it done now.  If you need to get in shape, it’s never too late to start improving.  Being able to shoot, move and communicate is weapon independent.  Remember the Combat Triad.  Mindset at the top, Skills next, followed by Equipment down at the bottom.  If you’ve got the mindset and skills, you can get a better weapon.  Stop buying guns and train on what you’ve got.

Here you go…


4 QTR 2022

DEFENSIVE HANDGUN .5 (DH.5)        8 OCT             Lake Darpo              $200*


DEFENSIVE CARBINE 1 (DC1)             22 – 23 OCT  Lake Darpo              $300**


DEFENSIVE CARBINE 2 (DC2)             19 – 20 NOV Lake Darpo              $300


URBAN BREAK CONTACT (UBC)         9 – 11 DEC     Lake Darpo              $500


*  Thanks to a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Paladin will discount the DH.5 tuition by $100 and provide 100 rds of ammunition (9mm or .40 S&W only) for the class.  The student is responsible for the remaining $100 and 200 rds.


** Thanks to a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Paladin will discount the DC1 tuition by $200 and provide 200 rds of ammunition (5.56 only) for the class.  The student will be responsible for the remaining $100 and up to 200 rds.



That’s ‘DH point 5’ as in 50%, a one day class instead of the usual two day format.  Both DH.5 and DC.5 will include low light training.  Also, both DH.5 and DC.5 meet the pre-requisite requirements to take DC2 and you need to complete DC2 in order to take UBC.

$100 deposit is required to save your seat in any class.  Deposits can either be mailed to the POB below or using PayPal to send a DONATION to steve@paladintraining.com.  If you use PayPal, click on ‘DONATE’ and search charities for Paladin Training.  If check, payable to Paladin Training.

Grant classes will be offered until we run out of ammunition, so reserve your seat soon.  Hint:  One of our classes makes a great Christmas present!


II.  Technique gotten sloppy or just feel the need for a tune-up, but don’t have the time for a full two-day class?  Consider arranging a private clinic for carbine, shotgun or rifle.  Call if you’d like to discuss particulars:  843-618-1381.





Paladin Training, Inc.  POB 12752  Florence, SC 29504

www.paladintraining.com / 843-618-1381 / steve@paladintraining.com

Paladin Training is a tax exempt public charity under IRS Section 501(c)(3).

All donations are fully tax deductible.

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