Edition 24

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I hope you had a great Independence Day!  Libby and I spent part of it at the range with an M1 Carbine and a Homeland Defense Rifle (aka ‘evil assault rifle’) working on some of those skills our fathers (and mothers, too, sometimes) considered basic.  Later in the evening most everyone on our street came together for a cook-out and fireworks.


It was a good, pleasant, EASY day, thanks to God and the work of hard men.


One blog I check frequently is at:



Their ‘Quote for the Day’ on Independence Day was this:


On the Fourth, we celebrate open rebellion, high treason, and disobedience.We celebrate men who killed their countrymen for their principles.

Men who risked being demonized and executed by their government, for their principles.

Don’t you ever, ever forget that.


It’s not about apple pie, baseball, fireworks, and the Declaration of Independence.

The Fourth is about men holding to their principles strongly enough to lead to killing, rebellion, and treason.

Such actions led them to freedom.

Expensive, horrible, priceless freedom.


Something to think about.

Train hard, time’s short!




Church Security Survey Coming Soon

With the recently released story (shouldn’t be ‘news’) that Islamists are calling on American Muslims to attack churches and synogogues, the issue of church security is getting more attention.  Finally.  Paladin has been involved in training church security teams and we foresee more of this in the future.
If this is an issue which concerns you, whether you’re already involved or not, I’d like to hear from you.  Please contact me.
What you say will be kept confidential!

Reloading Component Sale at Southland Guns

Mike has a good selection of bullets and used dies at deeply discounted prices.  The items are part of an estate so you might run into partial boxes, etc.  Still, the price is right!
Give them a call at 843-393-6291 for more details.

July SWP This Weekend

We’ll start Friday evening, 6:30 pm, at Fludd’s Gun and Pawn, 2049 West Evans Street in Florence.
We still have a couple of slots left in the CWP class this weekend.  Contact me ASAP if you want to attend.  Hey, it’s not going to be any cooler in August!

Three ways to reserve a seat:

1. Send in a personal check / MO for $25 to:

Paladin Training, Inc.

POB 12752

Florence, SC 29504


2. Drop your deposit off at Fludd’s Gun and Pawn


3. Use the PayPal button – You don’t need a PayPal account to use this feature.


Contact me at 843-618-1381 if you have questions.


Click Here to Pay

New Classes!

Introduction to Handguns 2 (IH2)

Building on our Introduction to Handguns 1 (IH1), which is all classroom and no live fire, is IH2 – a four hour class that puts to practice the dry skills learned in IH1.  This class is also four hours in length.  Cost is $60.
You will fire 100 rounds working on administrative skills such as loading and unloading, drawing and reholstering, and basic marksmanship skills.
At the end of the class we will fire the SC CWP course of fire for record.  Students who fire a passing score, should they decide to attend one of our CWP classes within the next three years, will be given a $30 tuition discount AND be exempted from the range portion of the CWP class.
IH1 is a safe, non-threatening way to learn about handguns and ammunition, including safe gun handling, loading and unloading and storage, etc.  IH2 puts those skills to practice with live fire, all in a low stress, safe and supervised environment.

Change in the BDH curriculum

At the end of Day 2 we will fire the SC CWP COF for record (if applicable).  The same offer listed above for IH2 applies to our BDH students:  Come back to a SC CWP class within 3 years and deduct $30 from the tuition and be exempt from the range portion of class.

Reality Based Training

We’ll start offering four hour classes this summer, once or twice a month on weeknights.
Reality based training (RBT) has the student take part in a scenario against a live adversary, generally one of the instructors.  We’ll be using AirSoft guns and other training aids.
Not all RBT involves firearms.  We’ve conducted training for staff at a few local businesses that used scenarios designed to teach situational awareness and avoidance / deterrence skills.
One of the goals behind RBT is ‘stress inoculation’.  Studies show departments that put their officers thru RBT perform significantly better in real life shootings than those that don’t.  For example, prior to RBT, it’s not unusual for a department to post qualification scores averaging 90%, but have only a 20% hit rate on the street.  After RBT, real life hit percentages more closely mimic qualification scores.  In most instances, departments that utilize RBT see hits go up and number of rounds fired per incident go down.
Once  you’ve gotten the basics of marksmanship and gun handling down, RBT is the next step in warrior training.
We’re looking forward to this!

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