Edition 58
Comments: None
I hope you and your team are well and continuing to diligently train and prepare. I am so concerned about the future that I no longer believe it’s a matter of IF, but WHEN your readiness will be tested. A CWP is just the starting point. Having a CWP makes you a gunfighter like having a driver’s license makes you a Formula 1 driver.
Speaking of CWP…
I have a few seats available in the SC CWP class this weekend. We keep classes small and have a hard cut-off point, so don’t wait. If you don’t have your SC CWP, yet, knock it out now so you can start 2015 off right.
Check out the raffle info below.
Also, I’ve added another ‘regular feature’ below:
Book / Video Recommendation of the Month.
As always, hope to see you in a class soon.
Train hard; put God first!
Gift Certificates Available…
… for all our classes. What better gift for someone you care about than the opportunity to learn life-saving skills? You can also think of it this way: The life the recipient saves may be yours!
Contact me for details.
Fundraiser 2015.1
- Prize: 1 seat in any two-day defensive firearm class and 500 rounds of carbine ammunition (5.56 or 7.62 x 39)
- Cost per ticket: $20
- Number of tickets: 50
Urban Break Contact!
We have a few spots available in the UBC at the end of March. UBC is a two-person team class where the focus is on learning the skills and tactics necessary to disengage from a numerically superior force.
Past participants: We’ve made some very meaningful changes to the curriculum. If you’d like to come for just one or two days, I’ll be glad to prorate the tuition. Remember that Friday is review day, so if you can only come one day, Saturday would be the best choice. Space is limited and teams / individuals attending all three days get priority.
Contact me if you’d like the details.
Recommended Other Sources
1. Paul Howe of CSAT. Paul writes a monthly newsletter I enjoy mainly because it affirms my beliefs. Listen, the world is mostly populated with people who don’t think like I do and, quite frankly, it’s encouraging to be reminded now and then that there are other people like myself out there. Find him at:
www.combatshootingandtactics.com2. Claude Werner, the Tactical Professor. Claude is another no-nonsense / tell it like it is even if it hurts guy. Always thought provoking. Find him at:
3. John Farnam of Defense Training Int’l. John is like the historian / poet laureate of gun writers. He’s also one of the two instructors most responsible for Paladin’s approach and curriculum. Check out his ‘QUIPS’ at:
4. John Holschen — John is the other trainer who, along with John Farnam, is most responsible for my grounding. John’s excellent online videos – ‘Tactical Moment’ — can be found at:
Speaking of Other Trainers
Yes, I encourage you to attend other schools. Be forewarned: The fact that someone was an Operator or member of a SEAL Team doesn’t automatically mean they’re a competent trainer or, even if a good trainer, that they have something to say that’s relevant to your situation.
I have been blessed by the choices I made in schools / trainers. I purposefully chose trainers from different tactical backgrounds to gain the broader view. I wanted to see how their perspectives differed. I also purposefully chose experienced, established trainers with a certain reputation.
They are all perpetual students, constantly seeking to better themselves and further the craft.
In a word, they (most of them) are humble.
I have purposefully avoided those trainers who seem to have developed a cult following, or those who seem overly dogmatic.
My advice?
Be cautious of dogma.
- Massad Ayoob – Law Enforcement (LE) & private citizen
- John Farnam – USMC, LE & private citizen
- John Holschen – USA (DELTA)
- Tom Givens – LE & private citizen
- Jim Higginbotham – LE & private citizen
- Ed Stock – USA, Arizona DPS & Gunsite
- Ed Head – US Border Patrol & Gunsite
- Jeff Gonzalez – USN (SEAL)
- Bill Jeans – USMC & Gunsite
- Larry Vickers – USA (DELTA)
- Paul Howe – USA (DELTA)