Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, many churches are opting to send relief teams to Western NC. The mindset of these relief teams should reflect two realities:
- The goods being transported have an extremely high value;
- The areas they’re going into or through are, in many cases, essentially lawless.
Hopefully this checklist will help relief teams have the equipment they need for the trip, and more importantly, develop the proper mindset for the mission. It should be considered a living document, subject to continual revision. If you are aware of any existing AARS, please forward them to me.
- After Action Review
An (AAR) should be done following each Relief Effort (REF).
Bullet Points of Lessons Learned from previous AARS should be discussed with REF Teams with enough advance that questions and concerns can be addressed.
Each Vehicle should have a Crew of at least two; a Driver and an Assistant Driver (AD).
The two crew members are considered a Team. When forming Teams, priority should be given volunteers with MIL/LE/MED experience and members of the church armed Safety Team.
Every Team member should be armed; Drivers with a sidearm, ADS with a sidearm and a long gun.
Every Team member should have an Individual Trauma Kit (ITK) and be trained it its use.
For intra-convoy comms, the AD of each vehicle should be furnished a radio. Consider spare batteries or recharging stations.
Especially when the REF consists of multiple vehicles, call signs should be designated. The call sign of the convoy leader is ‘E1’ where ‘E’ = ‘element’. Echo 1 is usually the lead vehicle.
Primary and alternate frequencies/channels should be designated.
Each AD should know the physical address of the End Point.
Each AD should know how, and have the means, to contact the End Point.
In the event GPS / cell service is non-existent, each AD should have a hard copy of the route.
A map recon of the route should be conducted prior to departure to designate:
- Possible Rally Points
- Likely points of confusion
- Potential danger areas
- Planned rest & fuel stops
A pre-departure briefing on the use of Deadly Force and differences between SC and End Point carry / transport law be conducted by Echo 1 or a SME.
Contingencies for encountering hostile behavior should be discussed.
Plans should be made for low light operations.
Ex: Each member of the REF should have a working high intensity flashlight and spare batteries.
The fuel tank of each vehicle should be topped off just prior to departure.
Each vehicle should be equipped with enough reserve fuel to get the vehicle back to an area where resupply is reliable.
Each vehicle should be equipped with a General Purpose First Aid Kit and a Trauma Kit.
Each vehicle should be equipped with at least one can of FixAFlat / SLIME for each tire.
Echo 1’s vehicle (at least) should have a 12VDC air compressor.